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@ratbaby remember that time i got banned from twitter for saying kill all terfs


@quine i thought you said text-to-speech and i was about to reply with how dare you say the dectalk is not perfect

@ratbaby i wish i could give less of a shit but i am well aware i lost at least 2

As a reminder, Computer Fairies does not tolerate any kind of racism or harassment tactics such as gaslighting and strawman arguments. Thank you.

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current altercation and cf moderation 

Hey sorry I trashed your timelines.

Sorry it took more than the first person asking me to stop.

I got real upset because someone I love was a target of gaslighting and this person is a prominent mastodon user with several people to pat him on the back about it.

We're better than this. Please cultivate your safe spaces. I am cultivating mine, by domain blocking for harming the safe space I want Computer Fairies to be.

@ratbaby i need to listen to this more often. sorry for trashing your timeline


@noelle ...

moan sample that plays when you plug maple in to charge



promise promise promise. i will not mention him again. slap me if i do.

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also if you go into her mentions to give her anything but love i swear i will claw your skin out

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hey y'all please show my girlfriend @noelle some love tonight cause she totes needs it.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!