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ONE last thing about Are0h 

if he,s not a bot he sure goes a HELL of a lot out of his way to fail the turing test

and TRUST me it's hard, i've been trying!!

alright I will drop it ONLY because i've been asked to, kindly, by multiple friends. Let it be known that this person is not a good person and PLEASE let me know if you still defend him so I can block you, though. Thanks.

@ratbaby @Are0h @troubleMoney rhyyssss you mentioned him!! you started, the bot reply thread...


@Are0h @Sylvhem @nventous yeah, you really did start the whole thing haha

it's so funny when you turn someone's arguments against themselves and they just crumble

@Are0h @troubleMoney yeah it didn't make sense when you made it either since you're still here

hey y'all? go ahead and block me, temporarily or permanent if you need

no hard feelings.

@Are0h @troubleMoney sorry you have two more chances to try again and get it right.

@Are0h @troubleMoney so you say white, i'm not supposed to assume you're talking about my skin? alright. good logic there white bro

@Are0h @troubleMoney actually you did, you called me white! several times! do you want me to count

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!