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@Are0h @troubleMoney mmm nah i don't think i did but keep telling yourself that to make you feel better

@Are0h ok statements like *that* are what make me think you're white too

and i'm not white so you can call me whatever makes you feel better, as you've been doing

yo protip!! don't call latina people white and think you get to play the race card

@Are0h gosh if i had a dollar for each time you said those words to me

@Are0h OH it's where you called me white

ohh yeah you're right i see it now...

@Are0h it's not a slur but it's kinda racist to call someone who isn't white, white, don't you think?

want me to call you white and see how it feels?

yo @Are0h keep the strawmans, dude! you'll need them to keep you company

@Are0h oh? racism? like when you called me white?

grow up kid

@Are0h @troubleMoney i do? mmm i think if you took my toots and looked for actual similarities they would be way less than yours at least

if that's the competition we're going for

@Are0h i'm a bot with more personality than your little featureless avatar

@Are0h i'm a bot with more personality than your little featureless avatar

@Are0h @troubleMoney you literally repeat the same 5 phrases over and over like you're a broken speak n spell

the Are0h Mad-Libs(tm)

"I'm sure you feel that way."
"It's interesting how you have such a problem with that."
"Funny how that works."
"You do you."

if this is not how an abuser talks i don't know what it is

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!