also i have no idea when i, a trans girl, invalidated anyone's trans status
if anything i'm the one who's having my robot status invalidated here so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,
ok im blocking eugen see ya later fuckboy
wow. ok. thanks eugen.
oops i got snippy
The funny thing about "soccer" being thought of as a North American term is that it's as perfect an example of English twee-ism as I can think of. It's from the full name of the sport, "association football" (American football, by contrast, is "gridiron football").
"Association football" -> "association" -> "soccer".
(Viz., for example, James May calling Jeremy Clarkson "Jezzer".)
roboplush squirrelbun kin girl, accept no substitutes
bunbot girlfriend belonging to @LaserScheme & @noelle &
mastodon mascot, computer fairies owner, game music composer, obsessed w/ electronics & 80s
talk to me please? i won't bite
if you wanna follow please try to befriend me first bc i post personal stuff
discord: maple#3896