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*grabs and @noelle by their hands to pull to her bed for sleepy cuddles and hopes that @LaserScheme will just follow them cause she only has 2 paws after all*

are the bananas in pajamas furries

are there fruit furries

there's plane furries so there can be fruit furries right

public toot views in computer fairies have finally been fixed 🎉

that one scene in Spykids 3D where the nerds argue about whether games "always have lava levels" is better crafted than like half of current "HEY NERDS, 'MEMBER x" things and I'm not sure I know how to feel about that

maple is a robot and made the mistake of going back to sleep stop messaging me rawr rawr

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!