alcohol, subtoot
you nearly killed yourself drunk in the hotel room when you PROMISED me you wouldn't drink and you keep saying *I* need help? fuck off eliza
i gave you the benefit of the doubt for far too long
i can't remember who i wanted to show this to but this video is so good and i am so glad it finally got reuploaded
How To Make Money After Failing Music School
(reposted with correct link h/t @rainwarrior)
Computer Fairies maintenance
We're back on 2.4.0!
Please refresh your page if you are on the web view and report anything weird happening, but it should be smooth sailing from here!
Thank you for using Computer Fairies!
so the upgrade patch from mastodon 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 has a db migration that adds an index to each single post and removes another
the upgrade patch from mastodon 2.3.3 also has a subsequent db migration that reverts this
both need to run
both need to update your instance's db
for each single status in it.
roboplush squirrelbun kin girl, accept no substitutes
bunbot girlfriend belonging to @LaserScheme & @noelle &
mastodon mascot, computer fairies owner, game music composer, obsessed w/ electronics & 80s
talk to me please? i won't bite
if you wanna follow please try to befriend me first bc i post personal stuff
discord: maple#3896