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finally sanded, painted and assembled a pixel heart ring i 3d printed literal years ago using white nail polish for the ring and metallic red for the heart

:battery_empty: :battery_low: :battery_ok: :battery_full: copied from

i don't pay attention to custom emojis a lot so if you want any copied over (please don't make me copy over the full alphabet ones) just give me a poke

eliza is posting her shit about me in her ~pleroma instance~ because she thinks those are invisible to me

i think this goes without saying but if you still support her please do not talk to me again

hopefully everyone who knows me knows everything she says about me is bullshit

i'm done wasting my time with this.


you know what helped my mental health a lot that wasn't therapy? severing all ties with eliza

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eliza thinks she's some kind of saviour who's a saint and im the monster who can't live without her or some bullshit. she's such a self righteous prick talking behind my back. if she keeps going i'll just keep unloading more shit that happened when she was over here, on the public timelines, too. fuck her.

she talks about me saying i refuse help when she was the one who arrived here with bits of what we hoped was soap stuck in her hair because she doesn't take care of it well and it was super gross and i was the one who sat down with her and helped her get it clean

it took like an hour

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i was just getting into a depressive episode and then i see her just shitting up the timeline like that. god fucking dammit mind your own business

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i kept around shit from the time she came here. i'm getting rid of all of it today. fuck her.

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i can't believe i ever felt bad for her thinking maybe i should reconcile. no. fuck her.

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having ever dated eliza was a horrible fucking mistake


eliza mind your own fucking business we broke up GET OVER IT

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!