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🔥 oh no 🔥 now MY 🔥 timeline 🔥 is on 🔥 fire 🔥 🔥 someone send 🔥 marshmallows

i overslept and got one hour late now i don't wanna get up

dreams, - 

i was also in a room full of things from my past like my parents had saved all of those things all along

i get happy to see them again, and then i wake up

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dreams, pet death - 

dozed off and had one of those reminiscing dreams where i can't tell what's task real or not

Lili was there and she was getting along with another cat which was unheard of

introduced someone in a completely unrelated discord chat to the concept of robot otherkin and they're really nice and supportive, beep :3

i'm far too easily amused by the fact i can play with this light from my bed

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if someone posts something with :no_at:


the bedroom of hackable devices grows, you can now modify the processing sketch on the pocketchip AND a shoddily rigged rgb night light!

i wanna continue this until my bedroom is covered in little trinkets people can modify remotely ;u;

an important message from resident lesbian computer, maple syrup

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!