@squirrel look at my beaners. look at my beaners. look at my beaners look at my beaners look at
(i don't really know muuuuch about psu design other than watching component max ratings and probing with a multimeter, i have never used an oscilloscope because i'm not rich enough to own one)
this project is progressing well :3 the chip listens to a file change and updates the screen, and also (depending on the sketch itself calling this) writes a screenshot every 60 frames to a ramdisk (so it's not trashing the chip nand)
what i need to do now is use my other server in the room (univac) to serve a webpage where you can update the script and also see the live preview off the chip
but that'll wait until tomorrow~
my processing sketches: https://gist.github.com/Lana-chan/bc0e78d7dccdce14137886f1cb1f8b52
plasma sketch running on gles p2d. has to draw every 2 lines and every 5 columns to run at any acceptable framerate on pocket chip.
reimplementing in shaders is more efficient but i'm too ignorant. https://computerfairi.es/media/B4nN0rBe9DNJ4AyX5H0
roboplush squirrelbun kin girl, accept no substitutes
bunbot girlfriend belonging to @LaserScheme & @noelle & @agiri@masto.ninja
mastodon mascot, computer fairies owner, game music composer, obsessed w/ electronics & 80s
talk to me please? i won't bite
if you wanna follow please try to befriend me first bc i post personal stuff
discord: maple#3896