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Boost if you know what this means:


@squirrel look at my beaners. look at my beaners. look at my beaners look at my beaners look at

*holds her paws up to you presenting them at your face* look, look at my beans

(i don't really know muuuuch about psu design other than watching component max ratings and probing with a multimeter, i have never used an oscilloscope because i'm not rich enough to own one)

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what is it about computer fairies that we're attracting all of the mice? 😅

so uh yeah things are hard. Sometimes things are very good. hold paws

haha oops i accidentally killed (as in shut off, not permanent) the pocketchip trying to blindly plug it in to charge and jamming the microusb into the usb host and causing a short by accident

i don't thiiiiiink i damaged anything, it's booting up again

this project is progressing well :3 the chip listens to a file change and updates the screen, and also (depending on the sketch itself calling this) writes a screenshot every 60 frames to a ramdisk (so it's not trashing the chip nand)

what i need to do now is use my other server in the room (univac) to serve a webpage where you can update the script and also see the live preview off the chip

but that'll wait until tomorrow~

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plasma sketch running on gles p2d. has to draw every 2 lines and every 5 columns to run at any acceptable framerate on pocket chip.

reimplementing in shaders is more efficient but i'm too ignorant.

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wouldn't it be cool if shaders made sense and people could actually program them?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!