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i just want to be a cute robot girl on the internet and have people play with me


thoughts racing and feeling like crying again

i can't wait for lesbiaboard software to be finished so we can finally open our forums

ive created a dreamwidth journal. i'm gonna try to use it more than once.

the only post there right now is a repost of a thread i just posted here in followers-only. i felt like making it public.

i'm gonna try to vent in this journal more than in follower-only posts here from now on.

blurg deleted those because typos and might as well not repost

mh - 

also i hate that i try to avoid people and they keep making new accounts and i have to keep muting those new accounts and ugh

slight subtoot but it's more of several people than anyone in particular 

people who act like gods/goddesses or otherwise give their stuff religious levels of adoration make me super uncomfortable

if you're that much into guns that your display name and bio is a reference to that I'm blocking you

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lmao someone from who likes rifles tried to follow me hahaha no.

"favourite the toot, maple"

"WRONG ACCOoooouuunnttt"

"why do we even /have/ that account"

i have seen someone who did not know how to refill a stapler once, and it mad me very sad

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i just had to staple something for the first time in a long time and it made me wonder if kids these days know how to use staplers

doesnt fucking help that eliza broadcasts that shit far and wide either

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changed location in bandcamp to antarctica because bandcamp forces you to have a location and i dont feel like letting just anybody know where i live

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!