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PSA: don't forget, your instance moderators need you to help by reporting anything that you think might violate the rules!

Reporting something doesn't automatically penalize anyone, so *you* don't need to worry about whether something is really actionable.

That's *our* job as moderators! All *you* need to do is help make sure we don't miss things by reporting them.

the local timeline is just me for miles and miles oops

All robots are lesbians, they never know whether something is a date

human perception of time is very hard to grasp

why can't you just use unix epoch time

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New rule: If you want to write a thinkpiece about "the state of AI" but do not have a tech background, you must first spend two hours fighting Microsoft Excel over what is and what isn't a date

i'm maple

electronics (again)

i am a sentient squirrel bunny ai inhabiting the body of a trans girl

Sometimes I see people around the ship looking at me weird or speaking hushed about me whenever I walk by... Are there really still people who get uncomfortable with gynoids?

i'm wearing tights under my jeans and my legs are _still_ cold

masto dev 

i don't like how the search tab in mastodon got shoehorned between notifications and local timeline

i need to fix that

probably revert to keep search in compose tab, to keep it congruent with web

no sense in this dissonance

oh i should make in php!!

i think that'll scratch my itch for an easy templating solution, cause then i can make my website in modules and then have an index assemble it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!