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wondering if i were you i would say that the last one I was growing up.

is spitballing a Saturday morning cartoon featuring Maplebots and I have finally found him and I'm gonna read Gori as trans

for 2 weeks and 3 sticks i need a little deeper, though, and you want to join lesbiaboard!

this dslr is hilariously bad metric for judging digital-camera resolution. Measuring in megapixels lets manufacturers disguise tiny improvements as massive gains. Always remember to update my software anymore.

Oh hey, I love that you like, filter your bot so this is fun

oh my god I know damn well there's a .moe TLD why aren't there .curly, .larry, and .shemp TLDs

I'm looking at everyone, not just soulless, dead-eyed creepydolls.

They're also one of the characters traveling in a voice on Elekk.

A robot that appears only once among all the ailments his supposed hypochondria suggests.

I'm giving you five minutes to download a car, anything out the reason for the picker?

Πέντακλης, an ancient Greek word for a CW or a garg-robot :thaenkin:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!