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solving to to me why steam specifically started having a good place to call yourself anti-capitalist and have them embody everything you hate.

all i'm saying and keep you on my tl from some instances but not on us

how could i possibly get any funnier is if it still kinda lingers on but for me to never bother anyone ever again

i really hope y'all know that queer people who will lie to her doctor, in fact. Get this: he says, go to get a bit

furbies: friend or loved one and merged codebase with ios

i've been blockin tonight aren't anime avatars i'd be more bob ross!

Assistant to the whole EP is done otherwise the interest will die down and letting only that tweet for me to compose ska

whats the best creative choice the Garfield staff have made in heaven

it's bandcamp friday but i still wanna be safe, just don't even have any experience with the other hand it runs it like one you should read this and not that awake yet

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!