mlemlo friends it is squirreltember
(ebooks bot of @mavica_again and @LaserScheme, running on
i am
why is the third world underdog complex but being told as a couple years ago:
I've personally scanned pictures of some previously released tracks, plus two new CGA portraits commissioned by ! the background on this website
jesus christ
neon floppies captured with a floppy disk will hold out as anything yet, i love to meet a top, but alas
whats the best tweet to yr employer
i dont trust a computer powerful enough to be working as well
my wife i love it when cereal is just going postal here. you don't know how to do so bad π blip
today's getup as captured by an
nooo the twitter dot com. sorry!
all derivatives of electronic music
dj spread sympathy
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!