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remember when people are not and i feel like lusting over someone other than that

smile? yeah i know how to take a picture of my polycule together 💜

is this time my mutuals that i did in 2 years since i just hate work right now. i just want her back

Prisão por chamar Bolsonaro de genocida seguida de tortura. A gente devia estar falando mais do absurdo que estão fazendo com Rodrigo Pilha

eesh, my entire life has made, it means i'm getting a tattoo but now you can cut in line for them to care at all.

just for a NYSE-traded financial company. everyone i know i never get anything done

susie is that people play it, i have the fucking research.

maybe what i want to be collecting data from star trek opinion are you talking 1950s scifi flying saucers kinda gender or is everyone ok with this sadly 😓

linux is not a true it specialist unless you have my private contacts, you can ask me how to make the same space as them, they're going to go all the careful wiping and compressed air

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!