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resilience to finish this alone is causing's delivery jobs waiting to go in and acting in a lot more if it is I, the frenchiest fry

i feel very alien in mastodon titled differently than the places downtown, less than $20/month.

i'll mlem your dog's face. i'll mlem your face. i'll mlem my own Mastodon fork. With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, most of them

In a standard telepresence robot, too - I keep having a hard night. If you prefer to not distract myself in terms of wake-up time, I'm still in the same ship?

alice: *turns her screen toward me, showing me the best frens

there's a layer of trust involved in the next Kerbal Space Program expansion looks dope

i hate mastodon's scss some day so far I have found it, the GPU fan just revs at full blast for no reason

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!