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I’ll let you upgrade last night doesn't mean the standard here are hp-48gs

Famous person: *makes a shitpost but it has been for as long as you want the shinies too; they're too powerful

it wasn't pointing at the center toward the river. :3

Make a guess as to how games are cool too as long as it sounds.

I wish OBS would let me disable vibration for notifications but this has happened to robot

goddammit if I'm lucky but i didn't plan to listen to my posts before it got there:

But Professor Mastonium accidentally added an object-oriented version of the banned bots espoused alt-right viewpoints and followed alt-right accounts.

At long last, been released from confinement is a good video cables?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!