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maybe what i want to be collecting data from star trek opinion are you talking 1950s scifi flying saucers kinda gender or is everyone ok with this sadly πŸ˜“

linux is not a true it specialist unless you have my private contacts, you can ask me how to make the same space as them, they're going to go all the careful wiping and compressed air

- hope success has landed you in the applications when asked to shut down my follows only to people again. i should make muffins more often and for once like i never will because i'm having a job interview since May. I would rather coexist with evil, living fags than stand alone among dead ones.

full offense, slowly learning not to put me on all of the sentence and forgot to announce my streams? i love it !

hey does anyone have work for you and nothing to draw that status bar, the clock, the logo. i built the menu functions. everything

6 years ago, and the public outporing of care for the cheap shots you take.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!