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Anyone here remembers the PlayOnline Viewer?

@caltissue Hahaha, sometimes the bad taste a bad coffee can leave in your mouth is more effective than all the caffeine in the world ;)

@caltissue Yeah, it is nonprofit user-owned :). I'm not very picky with coffee myself. I usually go for Americano ^^.

@caltissue Oh goodness, let's not even get started on Facebook, specially FB groups! I haven't seen such levels of toxicity in my life. I like Mastodon, I am digging this federations thingie :). I'll probably try Diaspora too.

PS: Mocha or macchiato? ;)

@lizardsquid IKR! but it is a business so they have to make money, y'know ^^U

@caltissue I think the only thing I'm getting from all this is that I'm feeling more stupid, lonelier and more depressed ^^U

@caltissue Haha, It's not the best sales pitch ever but I see what you mean :). The thing is I have very slim chances of meeting people IRL... I don't want it to be the same on the internet

@caltissue Thank you :). It kinda messes with my self-esteem a little bit when I get for instance a match on Tinder and then after a "how are you?" They remove me as a match. Like, they might think I'm boring without even knowing me.

@caltissue I just installed okcupid myself. I'm not sure I understand how it works. All I know is that apparently I have a like XD.

Dorotea boosted

queer first base is when you use a heart emoji with them for the first time

@atinyfairy That'd be nice too. I mean, that's pretty much the reason I joined in the first place, to make friends :). Not really into hookups myself.

Dorotea boosted

i decided to set my Fasttracker 2 theme to Space Pigs for a laugh and i genuinely think i've seared my retinas folks

Dorotea boosted

Orange juice + brezel + fruits

Magic mirror on the wall, who is the healthiest one of all

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!