Show newer actually yes

the books are really quite silly at times yeah, that seems badly targeted, it makes perfect sense if you've read the books but none at all if you haven't I don't think that's autogenerated

That's definitely Dresden Files related

if anyone who takes the piss out of otherkin could reply to this toot then that would be super convenient for banhammer purposes

meta admin question yep, that's how it works some videogame awards wankery I think

repairs done with hot glue are 100% more punk rock than repairs done with that sugru stuff

@Jo both are good backup options in the absence of a convenient volcano

oh that's a point, the newbies from tumblr might not have heard the the way we deal with terfs yet

they get loaded into a trebuchet and flung into a volcano

people who shit on otherkin can get trebucheted along with the terfs

Making working things out of non-working things you've got around is:

A) cheaper
B) more eco-friendly
C) more fun
D) occasionally a lot more convenient

kin, yep i'm doing it, here goes nothing 

@frinkeldoodle @audrey hi raccoon friend! you're valid as heck!

@noelle I've got a pet peeve with that song

In Ethiopia, the country they were fundraising for, christmas is on the 7th of January

So no, they're fully aware that it isn't christmas, that's in a fortnight

seriously how much better would the Nolan Batman films be if Gritty was Batman?

@garbados just an hour and a half of Gritty swinging from building to building and beating up fascists

I really want this film

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!