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dieting, med usually they try to limit your appetite, reduce your bodies fat absorption, or increase your metabolism I think

Although in one notable case they were tapeworm eggs

Those ones actually worked but, y'know, now you've got a tapeworm to deal with

Thanks BBC, but I'm not sure "Putin wins Russian election" is breaking news

It's a bit like putting out push notifications that the sun rose in the sky this morning not sure you really need any electronics for that idea, just put down some marks that blend in with all the usual markings everywhere unless you know what you're looking for

Fun fact: Octopuses are classed, under EU law, as honourary vertebrates with all the protections and responsibilities that entails

(there aren't actually any responsibilities, we just muck about all day)

The Daily Mail's youtube channel has been banned for violating the community guidelines

LOL thought I might as well use the keybase followy thing considering I've had it installed for ages

@fred the yubikey things can do all the same stuff and are usb plug sized but there's just something more cybre about the cards

@fred they look like chip and pin credit cards, you can use them to securely store your pgp private keys

once you've set them up you can just put them into a smartcard reader and encrypt/decrypt/sign whatever without the private keys touching the computer you're using

:thaenkin: I should get one of those openPGP cards

I've got a yubikey but the full size cards feel so much more cybre

bougie shit I mean, it's obviously terrible in that barely any of that money goes to the people that actually made the damn thing but as far as going rate, that's not bad for speciality tools

hey if you miss's glitching hour just remember computer fairies is always open

peanut gallery: you mean Noëe?
you: ...
peanut gallery: you said no L!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!