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LB: It's cold tonight, I need a blanket dragon friend to cuddle with

Adorable ✨Plush✨ furry art 

ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh!!!

Artist: Buck-Fire / Fidget

Cereal boxes

They could use it on cereal boxes

Used to be they came with a little toy, now they could come with a free switch peripheral and a game

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Oh my god

That Labo thing

Companies could conceivably make their own minigames and print peripheral designs on their packaging

You could buy anything from Amazon (other online retailers are available) and there are patterns marked on the box to make a special controller and then you can download a game to play with it

Peripheral designs on pizza boxes with downloadable games

@Sylvhem Oh did it?

Can't say I remember it, certainly left an impression eh?

@Sylvhem I was around before the tutorial was a thing, I probably would have read through it though

Honestly Nintendo are on to a winner with this one

Have you ever given a kid a cardboard box? They have hours of fun with them

Now the kids can play video games with them afterwards

Hang on, they're releasing Labo on the 20th of April?

This isn't a video game thing, they're running a study on how well people can assemble things while under the influence of weed

Considered opinion on the Nintendo Labo stuff 

It looks pretty neat and the price isn't ridiculous

Nintendo saw loot crates and was all "ahhh we get it, boxes!" That's how Labo was made!

@Eldritch_Horrorgirl can the entire thing be a riff on the fast and furious movies?

'cause if so I want in

@vantablack to be fair there's nothing in the book that says Case was any good at taking drugs, just that he did Is that a photo of Dick and Dom (from Da Bungalow) on that homepage?

@typhlosion I think that one thing that's been 100% proven over the last couple of years is that a very vocal bunch of people will never chill out about video games

@noelle @typhlosion this is just crying out for a design-your-own feature with nintendo selling optional packs of stickers for camera tracking and cardboard and cardboard accessories no, you have to buy the switch separately

Considering the usual price of games on the Switch and the fact that it comes with game things for all the cardboard things, that Labo stuff isn't priced that far out of the way

@er1n @squirrel you will now be able to pirate video game peripherals with a photocopier

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!