Feel free to contact us if you want shipping to other places, shipping to the ISS for example would be about a grand though so maybe wait until you get back
Y'know what would be a fun thing to do this weekend?
DMing @maple to buy a cool computer pin!
They're $8 each and it's $5 for shipping anywhere in the world!*
*(up to 10 pins)
"Jimmy Carter rabbit incident" is one of my favourite wikipedia page titles
The UK is changing the colour of its passports from burgundy to blue in a show of "sovereignty from the EU" or some bullshit
Resulting in the loss of 170 jobs in the UK as the contract for making them went to a Franco-German firm making them in Poland rather than the usual UK supplier
BRB, screaming internally at this tweet @LottieVixen brought to my attention
firearm adjacent accessories
jactical (jean tactical)
this is a real product https://www.helikon-tex.com/en_eur/kk-tmr-nl-training-mini-rig-tmr-nylon.html
Hedgehog wrangler, cat feeder, octopus whomst love smol critters
"i never thought someone could be such a watch nerd and yet here you are" ~ @maple