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The main difference between a "big cat" species and a "small cat" species is a small bone in their throats that allows them to either roar or purr

Therefore, cheetahs, who can't roar but purr, are small cats

And that's why I should be allowed to have one as a pet

international standard for postal addresses would be nice

I'm looking at this one all "wait, is that bit the post code? which is the city and which is the county/state?"

worked it out but some sort of international standard layout pls ISO people

:thaenkin: you know, with fuel shortages being forecast in the near future, maybe I should get a cargo tricycle or something...



The FAA have sent out official correspondence asking people to not strap guns to their drones brain just shortened @mavica to "mavi" and now I'm imagining byte hovering around going "Hey, listen!"

"I've been ya boi David Attenborough, be sure to subscribe and smash that motherfucking like button"

why is this bot in my mentions bitching about cloudflare being used by a site I linked to?

huh, Page and Cooper are selling Raketa watches now, neat

(notspon, could be though, please send me free stuff P&C)

octopus is basically a big comfy beanbag that can hug

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!