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:thinkhappy: thinkin 'bout our hedgehogs all cuddled up and hibernating in their little houses

Jimmy Wales has a new social network

He's not hiring any moderators

I have a feeling it will end up like the... wiki wiki wild wild west

LB: one minute after us complaining about pleroma's image description support!

I just watched a polygon video with BDG in it pre-moustache and he looks like a baby person in it

image descriptions let the ghost who lives in your keyboard enjoy your posting too

"fruit by the foot" is a really weird product when you forget the imperial system of measurements exists

always remember: there is a difference between unlawful and unethical!

@troubleMoney it wasn't even called mining back then, but "grinding", hence the little handle on top

The Curta calculator was invented by Curt Herzstark in the 1940's, it's a fully mechanical little maths machine

They used them to mine bitcoin before computers were invented

We haven't seen any hedgehogs for the past few days so I think they're all cozied up in their little houses for hibernation

either that or they're just napping through the little cold/wet bit of weather we're having

Well, apparently it's now officially close to christmas, John Lewis have released their christmas advert

It features a cute excitable dragon

:thaenkin: an offshoot of christianity that omitted the highest order of angels would be sans-seraph

Somebody please tell me they're going to mod Death Stranding to include the Archwood Flextrek 37,000,000,000,000 Whipsnake Edition

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!