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As @mavica is far too modest to plug this, I'm gonna

mavi's got a patreon!

Proceeds fund and all kinds of other cool stuff!

it's also got a kofi!

tiamat's more energetic sister coffiamat

throwback to the 2011 London riots where yes, looters did form orderly queues

Huh, turns out something good has come out of Rolex limiting the supply of steel sports models

Here's Lord Sugar, a billionaire, whinging on twitter that he can't swing a Rolex GMT-Master II BLNR from his local dealer


just saw the comments on an article about mixing tobacco with cannabis increasing THC availability

all these USAians piping up with "what? who'd do that? I've never seen anyone do that!"

are these people just smoking plain cannabis joints all the time? just how much fucking money did they have as teenagers to be able to afford that?

I've apparently missed a lot of stuff happening in the field of visual social media


Jorunna Parva, tiny lil underwater sea slugs what are fluffy and look like smol buns

Sadly very poisonous so no pets

and yes, I know they're more properly called G10 straps but take that up with the rest of the watch nerd community

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it's only after faffing about for 10 minutes fitting a bracelet with teeny tiny annoying spring bars that won't go in the fucking lug that you truly appreciate how easy and accommodating nato straps are

the existence of the blahaj shark has done far more to ingratiate ikea to me than any amount of advertising spend ever could

This is neat

Two independent bezels, one count-up for timing stuff, one 12- or 24-hour bezel for time zones

$300 to $500 depending on variant, look like decent watches

I mean, I know y'all love your capitalism over there but the literal selling of ones own species to be eaten?

fucking hell

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wait, let me get this straight, for the past 104 years an anthropomorphic peanut with a top hat and a monocle has been selling fellow members of his species to the US populace for consumption

what the shit USA?

Turns out Cmdr William Pogue wore a non-approved Seiko 6139 during Skylab 4 about 11 years before this and so that was the actual first automatic watch in space but nobody knew that at the time

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While I'm being a total Sinn geek, did you know that the Sinn 141 S was one of the first automatic watches worn in space?

It was on the wrist of Reinhard Furrer during Spacelab D1, a similar watches were also worn on Mir and during Spacelab D2

He bought the watch privately and wanted to show that an automatic watch would still wind itself without the help of gravity

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they're also getting rid of the 75x series which are classics

still, hopefully they'll be releasing some super interesting stuff to replace those, they're due to bring out two new watches in mid-february

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:( Sinn just discontinued the T2

Real shame, there's nothing quite like it on the market anywhere, 41mm tonneau case, titanium so it's really light, sad to see it go out the collection

The T1's still there though, but that one's 45mm so just not the same

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!