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Ooh, cool new watch if you're a Queen fan

Limited edition Seiko 5 "Red Special"

Dial inspired by Brian May's guitar, his signature on the display caseback

Edition of 9,000 and will cost around €560

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are bread

A Tom Stoppard play enacted in a bakery

addition to the "computers are just magic rocks we tricked into thinking" thing; circuit board layouts are really just weird sigils aren't they?

What we really need with all this royal family crap is for Harry Windsor to take up painting or sculpture

So he can be the artist formerly known as prince

gender is a spectrum

by which I mean it uses a Zilog Z80 CPU and mostly reads data from tape

The idea that Y2K wasn't actually a big deal because nothing big ended up going down because of it is an *incredibly* dangerous error in thought.

Y2K didn't end up being a big deal because *tens of thousands of programmers* spent *millions of hours* making sure that it wasn't.

I finally used the letters after my name on a thing and I've just realised that I should totally have done the form for the universal life church thingy so I could put "The Reverend" at the front as well

Ah well, remember it for next time

definitely blasphemous christianity question 

@troubleMoney fortunately someone already did the math

definitely blasphemous christianity question 

just how many times do you have to go to communion to have consumed an entire jesus?

one frame to rule them all, one frame to find them, one frame to bring them all and in the darkness bind them 

it's a tolkien ring network

Here's an interesting look at how things can change in the watch world

This is an advert from a jewellers from 1977 offering an Omega Speedmaster for £158 next to a Seiko Digital Chronograph for £165

These days it costs £4,700 for a Speedmaster and under £20 for an equivalent digital watch

I hear it's appreciate a dragon day

appreciate all dragons

It does my heart good to know that this is published in a peer reviewed medical journal

As I've started seeing hedgehogs again I thought I'd do a toot about how to care for the little critters if they happen to live where you are

If you've got a garden fence, try putting a little gap at the bottom so they can move from garden to garden easier, or a 14cm x 14cm hole in a corner

They like eating cat biscuits, maybe leave a little bowl of those out for them

And they always like having some water handy, a small dish of that is super helpful to them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!