It is exceedingly rare for Rolex to co-brand their watches like this
The only other examples I can think of are COMEX, Oman, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia
So for them to do these for Domino's Pizza of all people is just really weird
Here's a fun bit of history
You might look at this watch and think "who the fuck would put a domino's pizza logo on a rolex?"
Short answer: Rolex did
Starting from the 1980's Domino's Pizza has had something called the "Rolex Challenge", if a franchise hits certain sales goals, the franchisee gets a Rolex from corporate
Domino's specifically orders these from Rolex, and the logo gets put on the watch in the Rolex factory
technically any science @mavica does is computer science
our cat reggie needs ear drops
any time we give him the ear drops he gets all wiggly like "nope, sod this, fuck off, don't want" and tries to escape
any normal cat you'd expect to run off after we're done and let him go
not our reg
he makes a massive show of trying to escape then walks right back over to me and stands there all "milk now? been good cat. want milk"
also, if you do fuck it up and have a bubble of air in there you can say "oh, that's intentional, it adds a spirit level feature!"
Here's a good demonstration of what I know of as a "hydro mod" for a watch
It consists of filling a watch with an oil to give you a wider viewing angle underwater (due to refractive index stuff that I don't really know enough about optics to understand) and increased water resistance
It's pretty cool, and not too difficult to do
oh my god
the suzuki mighty boy
it's a kei-sized ute
admittedly the only "fitness" I'm interested in is fitness pizza in me mouth but neat features are neat
Hedgehog wrangler, cat feeder, octopus whomst love smol critters
"i never thought someone could be such a watch nerd and yet here you are" ~ @maple