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we have no less than three hedgies!

I just saw three having a little conference out in the garden

sadly no way of lighting it for my phone camera without disturbing them but they're cute!

@mavica can function as an mp3 player!

okay, well, maybe not an "mp3 player" exactly, but you can ask it to sing for you and that's pretty neat

covid-19 joke 

The instructions for people to work from home did not go well for the SCP Foundation

Miles Davis famously said that "It's not the notes you play, it's the notes you don't play"

Which means 4'33" is the best possible jazz song

crabs are weird

all that walking sideways and having big pinchy pincers

strange oceanic friends

covid-19, ukpol 

it's like a pilot coming on the tannoy to announce "there is no reason to be alarmed"

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covid-19, ukpol 

"UK government says that "there's enough food to go around""

okay, I wasn't worried about that at all before they made that announcement but they just had to say that to make me marginally concerned

covid-19, otherwise useful 

Here's a guide from the WHO on how to locally produce hand sanitiser

covid-19 silly 

Running low on provisions, the octopus braved the blasted wasteland in search of supplies

Walking along deserted (apart from the dog walkers and joggers, I mean really, they kill the whole apocalypse vibe) streets they finally found a merchant who had milk, bread, and cigarettes in stock, a bounty not seen since before the outbreak brought the ravenous hordes

(I went up tesco, their stock levels are getting better now)

fun item to give to your dnd party: @jk 's bag of holding

it's like a bag of holding, but it only contains an infinite number of chickens

covid-19 adj 

given the relative lack of hedgehog activity at the cafe it looks like the hedgehogs are being responsible and observing social distancing! you should too!

(actually they're just not fond of the weather and are deciding not to come out their cosy houses quite as much the past few days)

(also hedgehogs don't get that virus)

covid-19 adj, silly 

Get an inflatable t-rex costume, put a filter over the air intake, and you're fully protected from coronavirus!

a fun hazmat suit for everyone!

Sinn have announced that they're showing off their new releases on 29-04-2020!

I am excite!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!