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covid-19 silly 

healing crystals are actually very effective at stopping you from catching coronavirus providing you lob them at anyone trying to get within 2 metres of you

I see they're getting ready to set stonehenge forward an hour for british summer time


hundreds of years of swiss watchmaking tradition

- OR -

smol buzzy quartz bois

I know I've said this before but H P Baxxter looks disconcertingly similar to John Barrowman

incredibly UK-centric 

apologies to those working in NHS sexual health clinics for whom giving them the clap brings back unwanted memories

a small bit of my brain keeps reading acnh as assassin's creed new horizons and imagining Isabelle leaping from a rooftop to stab Tom Nook

info particularly useful in regards to covid-19 but otherwise also quite useful 

For a steel bracelet, you can use the bowl of soapy water

For leather, use a slightly damp cloth with a small amount of gentle soap, then go over it again with just a damp cloth to remove the soap

You can additionally use some leather conditioner

For a fabric strap (NATO, ZULU, etc.) you can just sling them in the washing machine with your regular laundry

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info particularly useful in regards to covid-19 but otherwise also quite useful 

If your watch is decently waterproof (marked 50M or better) then you'll want a small bowl of hot water with dish soap in it and a soft toothbrush, if you don't know what to do with that setup then god help you

If your watch isn't, then clean it with a slightly damp cloth with a small amount gentle soap, using a toothbrush to get at the fiddly bits

Now we want to clean the strap


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info particularly useful in regards to covid-19 but otherwise also quite useful 

As apparently the resident watch nerd in this corner of the 'verse, here's how to clean your watch properly

It's on your wrist, it's gonna get gunk on it, if you don't clean it occasionally it's a goddamn petri dish

I'm assuming that none of us are loaded enough to own gold, silver, or gem encrusted watches, if you are then get your butler to do it

For a start, if you can, remove the strap from your watch



If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain
Because today's the day the teddy bears all go dogging

If you can't make your own neurotransmitters store-bought is fine

our reg had to have some surgery on monday and we've had to keep him in since then

he is not a happy cat

tried explaining to him that we're all on lockdown not just him but he's having none of it

roman emperor with "veni, vidi, vici" on the wall like one of those awful "live, laugh, love" things

covid-19 adj 

Latest UK government advice poster for if you should go outside

(not actually from the UK govt)

bats are getting a bad rap recently but they're really good sky doggos

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!