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Although I suppose that if called all timezones valid we'd have 24 new years to spread it about a bit...

Somebody get a cluster online, if we feed all the polycules into it now we might have it optimised it by next year

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:thaenkin: probably just as well mastodon isn't an actual physical space

What would we do about the new year kisses?

Would there be queues? Would people have to take tickets?

It'd be a scheduling nightmare

LT: New new year's resolution:

Get some news agency to refer to "the hacker known as mastodon"

(Preferably for something good)

happy GNU/year, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus year

In 2018, let's all resolve to stop shaming people for existing in and acting in a capitalist society.

You can be ancom all you want, but never let the ideology get in the way of caring about the people around you and wanting them to survive.

New Year Resolutions 

- Get out the house more
- Make things
- Take better care of the corporeal form I inhabit
- Destroy capitalism

Oh, seems that Easter Sunday is on April 1st this year

I can tell some people are going to make some sort of commentary on that

So many of us have been trained to believe that if we can't get something right on the first try, we're never going to get it right. It's so frustrating - even more so that it's so common.

Sometimes things are hard. Sometimes things take work. Sometimes you'll fail on your first try and that's not a reflection on your worth as a person, it's just because you need to practice.

You don't have to be perfect all the time, and not being perfect doesn't make you worthless. <3

@squirrel if it helps I did some digging around and found an article in a Pico8 zine that does a wavy effect

Not sure if that's useful or not

⚪️ a man
⚪️ a woman
🔘 blue

i'm in need of:
⚪️ a man
⚪️ a woman
🔘 a guy

if I were green i would:
⚪️ hey these aren't the lyrics what are you doing
⚪️ fly
🔘 die


I have no idea why but I've been heavily craving pickled onions all week

Some say that cravings are your body's way of telling you that you're missing some key nutrient that's abundant in that kind of food

So, uh, vinegar deficiency?

Facebook updated how posts show up so that uBlock removes every single post.

the platform's sorta better that way.

:thaenkin: I wonder if I can multi-class into a social-justice-druid

@cypnk @ubergeek The fundamental limitation of Google's TiSP was that it was limited to urban areas with dense sewer infrastructure―this is, of course, a common failing of Google's business plans. @SuricrasiaOnline addresses that limitation with their River Basin Network Architecture (RBNA), "a sophisticated water-based distribution technique that allows us to service anyone in the great lakes river basin at speeds up to 256 bytes per month."

Boost this toot if you want more people to see my toots because that's how Masto works.

I want more followers I need to meet ALL THE FRIENDS!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!