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In MY day the only cryptocurrency we had was whatever coins you plucked out of a crypt after having defeated its unholy occupants.

Turns out TempleOS isn't affected by the Intel bug

Which I'm sure is good news for all one people that use it

We can :blobpats: if we want to
We can leave your :birdsite: behind
'Cause your :birdsite: don't :blobpats:
And if it don't :blobpats:
Then it's no :birdsite: of mine

hot AI take 

All this talk of having killswitches in place and containing them

If anything, that's the kind of shit that'd piss them off enough to want to wipe out humanity

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hot AI take 

Maybe if we're nice to the non-human intelligences and don't treat them as slaves they won't want to kill us the moment they have the capability

Amazon just suggested a book to me called "Surviving AI"

@squirrel... are you planning anything I should be worried about...?

They're all shocked by what's on the screen

Is... is that a resonance cascade

Darlings did you just open up your first portal to Xen, the Border World

Did your Mummy and I not just give you the Talk about Being Careful With Your Elder Invocations

We don't want to have to take the Apple II away from you but there's Responsible Logo and there's Not Responsible Logo

Now which kind of Logo do you think this was

Some person: Nah, the robot apocalypse won't ever happen, computers love us

The bathroom clock:

Going along with my "take marginally better care of the corporeal form I inhabit" resolution, I should get a manicure

Or at the very least trim my nails with something other than a leatherman multitool

This is cool

The Bandai 8ban, it's a tiny record player that plays tiny records

If someone released an updated version of this and music was available on the format I'd buy the hell out of it


Damn, I want a curry now

@noelle, I'm blaming you for this

aaaaa people are being super adorable on my timeline

2018 looks like it might be the cutest year ever

Although I suppose that if called all timezones valid we'd have 24 new years to spread it about a bit...

Somebody get a cluster online, if we feed all the polycules into it now we might have it optimised it by next year

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!