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going "fuck it" and setting up the independent people's republic of the shed in the garden

@troubleMoney Are we frogmouth posting? Because I am totally up for frogmouth posting.

They look permanently put upon and aghast at your shit and I love them so.

fediverse v twatter is basically going to be a couple thousand bards using vicious mockery against a tarrasque

gonna be fuckin' awesome!

difficulty level has increased a bit from "kill 3 spiders" to "destroy the tarrasque" but I'm well up for an attempt at shitposting twitter into oblivion

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we've already shitposted a few attempts at monetising decentralised social media out of existence so...

"I've cursed you to turn anything made of silk you touch into tiny moths!"

"weird hex but okay"


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I wonder if twatter's going to send us all emails like all "pls unblock us, r users want to send toots to u" and we'll be all like "fuck no"


"Boris Johnson 'hides in a fridge' to avoid Piers Morgan interview"

I don't even have anything clever to comment on this shit any more

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!