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Tutorial on how to recreate multiplayer maps from GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark in TimeSplitters 2 on GameCube.
from NGC Magazine 76 - January 2003 (UK)

This issue can be downloaded in full here:


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I'd rather do something and make a mistake than be frightened into doing nothing. That's the problem back home. Folks have been conned into thinking they can't change the world. Have to accept what is. I'll tell you something, my friends, the world is changing every day. The only question is, who's doing it?

β€” Reverend Will Dexter, from "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place", Babylon 5, S03E20

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Have you played Command Performance? A late 80s mystical RPG in the land of Xa- ok, it's a system manager. No reason for that cover art to go so hard, but no one tell them otherwise.

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The only font you will ever need!

Unscii - a bitmapped Unicode font for blocky graphics #retrocomputing #font

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if necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is the father.

we do not speak of invention's extended family after what cousin whiskey did at the reunion

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Game 91: StixWorld (1998), by Greg Alt & Sean Igo.

Disaster struck Susie's notepad so you, a stick figure, have to escape the world she drew to save it from being recycled. Easier said than done because it's been invaded by monsters and tanks that Susie's stupid brother drew.

The world you navigate is free form, not fixed to a 2D grid, with plenty of blind jumps if it weren't for the zoom out option. Very neat.

The controls are a bit stiff but, hey, you're a stick figure.

#retrogaming #msdos

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when me and my kid show up to magic card night at the comic book store and pull out decks full of bootleg cards where we replaced the pictures of Talbane, Sorcerer Of Night and Brembus Angel with photoshopped pics of dogs dressed up to work in an office

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β€œThe Rise of New Mario ZZT Stuff V1.4 WARIO VS SCAPELI” by TheBigtimeDude (2022)
Published by: BigtimeDudeProductions
[WARIO14.ZZT] - β€œbig butter for real”
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if necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is the father.

we do not speak of invention's extended family after what cousin whiskey did at the reunion

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Cool tip for queer people this month: β€œif someone doesn’t think you’re a person, you don’t have to be nice to them”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!