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Weasel boosted

All applications need Undo for UI changes. The amount of time I spend trying to unfuck applications that mangle their UI on a stray click or drag is just stupid. No warning, no confirmation, no explanation, no docs, somehow the toolbar or menu or window is just fucking gone. I'm looking at you VS Code but you inherited this deranged behavior from every other IDE in the past 2 decades. LOCK THE FUCKING UI AND DON'T CHANGE IT UNLESS IF FUCKING EXPLICITLY UNLOCK IT FIRST. I WILL BEAT YOUR UI DESIGNERS TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING CLAW HAMMER. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF. IT'S A TOOL, NOT A GODDAMN MYST PUZZLE.

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

New Secret Area post: It's Blood of the Werewolf.

There haven't been very many great werewolf video games out there. Does this game break that curse?

Shares and comments appreciated, as always:

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

i guess we're about at full moon status tonight; maybe that accounts for why some random guy I've never interacted with before pinged me on discord and called me the C word.

it occurs to me that this might be where the word Lunatic comes from.

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Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted
Weasel boosted

Have you ever tried emulating #Windows98 on a #Ryzen system and had it crash spectacularly? Just within the last year or so, someone's written a patch for 95/98/98SE to fix it!

There's a floppy image you can boot your VM from, which will patch and fix your Win9x install even if it's partially installed and you hit the Explorer crash, so it doesn't even matter hugely where/when in the installation process you apply it.

Boosts for visibility welcome!


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Weasel boosted


Man, they STILL haven't fixed that, huh.

Weasel boosted

New on Patreon, it's Blood of the Werewolf.

A "love letter to classic platformers," does this game break the curse of there being no good werewolf games?

Available now for all patrons, just $1 will get you to see it early:

Weasel boosted

Oh goody, more copy protection. Pipe Dream uses a code wheel like the Monkey Island games, but instead of dates there are pipe sections. Fun.

Right now it's convenient because the game somehow fails to initialize its random generator properly so I always get asked the same question each time. The downside is that the gameplay is 100% identical each session as well, so that's not going to fly long-term.

Weasel boosted

hi please hire me to make you pixels i'm broke and unemployed and i need the money thanks for having boosted this post already i know you won't have failed me ๐Ÿ’œ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!