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does anyone in the have any resources about that aren't unprepared GPs wanking on about "just exercise"? my girlfriend is and struggling with excruciating pain every single day and the best we can do is overdose on ibuprofen and cbd because nothing else is available to us

please boost and please do not reply with US-only drugs and only drug names that we can't access without a lucky lottery ticket

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This reminder to not smile while getting my driver’s license photo taken is also an accurate depiction of my average workday

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After yesterday's success with the #GameboyCamera #Trichrome for the #1990sCameraChallenge #ShittyCameraChallenge, I thought I would use a full-spectrum #Funtograph (taken without using the infrared cut filter) to produce a #Gameboy AEROCHROME.

I used the full-spectrum funtograph for the red layer, the red filter image for the green layer and the green filter image for the blue layer, according to the method of Joshua Bird. It looks pretty darn good, if I say so myself.

Certainly, assigning a Divine Inspiration to your computer program is not unheard of (the tale of Temple OS comes to mind), but it's certainly unusual to see it justified so, for a screen saver. And definitely, as the author states, a different motivation than the more "drug trip inspired" graphical demos that were Dazzle's contemporaries.

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I had always wondered if this image, of the space man sitting at a drafting table, was based on any existing paintings or drawings, perhaps from a cover of a science fiction novel, so I happened to look in the rather exhaustively detailed, 25+ page manual that comes with it. It did not answer that question, but it does answer what the deal is with that caption - complete with biblical citations.

This goes on for about 5 pages in itself.

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One of the most fascinating rabbit holes I've ever witnessed in PC Shareware: for several versions (until 5.x), the MS-DOS screensaver program, DAZZLE, would display this image - and its somewhat cryptic caption - upon exiting the program. Where'd it come from? What does it mean?

i mean of course your character could just LEARN TO COOK but also your only source of recipes is random moms' scrapbooks that contain print outs of recipes from Facebook, the kind that have like 8 paragraphs of preamble

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idea: survival simulator game where the only food available in world is the leftovers in people's fridges; you have to manage not just your hunger gauge, but manage to prepare said leftovers in ways that don't also sharply raise your "yuck" gauge or lower your "variety" gauge.

sure, leftover Mac and cheese is fine, but you really gotta eat it 5 times in a row?

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Weasel boosted

I first experimented with "ROM hacking" video-games around 1998. After finding a document describing how level data was stored in the ROM for The Legend of Zelda, I built myself an overworld viewer/editor using HyperCard. It used a custom bitmap font to enable a dynamic tiles display, which otherwise would've been complex to achieve in HyperCard.

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I guess "I ran the official Apple-supported tool for running non-Apple-supported OSes" isn't exactly a rebellion against the system, but it's not like Apple got my money for this computer from 2014 anyway

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suck it, Apple, I can make my modern Mac run 16- and 32-bit apps and you can't stop me

(because I'm running Windows on it instead)

Weasel boosted

sometimes you gotta be grateful to your computers. less thinkpad more thankpad

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!