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I kept this thing running for like fifteen years because it kicked that much ass

Nice tall 4:3 screen, 1400x1050 (in 2005!), Wacom tablet built right into the monitor, touchpad AND nipple AND stylus, swivel the screen around and turn it into a tablet, press a button and get a vertical monitor (!!!), pull out the optical drive and replace it with a bigger battery, it Kicked, the Ass

After 32-bit architecture no longer cut the mustard I went to a desktop and since then I've been sat around sighing and twiddling my thumbs with my laptop-buying cash bored in my wallet patiently waiting for laptop makers to come to their FUCKING SENSES

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I don't think this version of Tetris complies with the official Tetris Guideline, Quarterdeck. πŸ€” (But the hint bar on the bottom is a nice touch.)

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ISO9.ICO - Equipment, Science

...Atoms, Experiments, Magnify, Medical, Scopes

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New post: Daikatana.

Once proclaimed as an "expert FPS," it's a myriad of bad decisions and frustrating gameplay. Turns out John Romero can make a dud too.

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Today was some good races in Portland.

But I particularly remember one little thing. It's midday, time to qualify, so I get dressed in the race gear, get in the car, strap all the safety gear on, and progress to the grid. I have a new gearbox I need to be kind to, I'm wondering if it's going to rain, I'm worried about the car being underweight at the end - lots of little things. /1

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GOLF09A.ICO - Activity, Ballgame

...Balls, Baseball, Bowls, Football, Golf, Pingpong, Pool

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Tbh I just miss seeing shaxx_motivation from back when I was on twitter, i wonder if they moved anywhere else

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Everybody needs a dramatic hype guy to pump them up in times of great need.

"I want to take the trash out but I'm so unmotivated to move..."

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Does anyone know if Ubisoft developed any true 3D games for the Game Boy Advance? Asking because RayCarrot discovered that there is code for a full 3D renderer in Rayman 3 GBA, but the only place it's used is this moving wheel in the credits screen.

The renderer has capabilities far beyond what would be necessary for that (including skeletal animation), so there's no way they developed it just for this, but I can't find a single example of where it could have been used.

By all of that, I can make an informed assumption about what the 3DO Content Library really is: a ready-made compilation of existing libraries of assets, images, sounds, music, and video clips, provided by the 3DO Company to its licensed developers. Perhaps its container formats are specifically formats already meant for use with the 3DO hardware, to remove the need for conversion?

Such a collection existing would certainly explain a lot about some 3DO games' aesthetics. Videos and all.

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I can at least glean some things from reading the other files on the CD Browser disc; there's an Excel spreadsheet on there with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all contributors to the Content Library. This includes dozens of photographers, a well-known clip-art library, Sound Ideas (best known for producing the sound library used in Doom), and multiple stock video libraries, including Prelinger.

I would assume, the same Prelinger as this one:

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The trickiest part of the whole thing is, since this entire thing is from 1993-1994, it targets Mac OS 7.x, on a hardware generation that I don't have. My oldest color Mac is my G3 that only goes back to 8.6, and my only 7.x-running Mac is my Plus which probably isn't strong enough to run the browser, let alone mount the CDs.

I did manage to get 7.6 installed to a Basilisk II instance, but nope, stuff still crashes in that... Probably need a real-steel Quadra or Performa here.

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Through some hex-editing I've at least learned that the Clip Art collection seems to be in some version of Adobe Illustrator (hence my installing CS2 to attempt to force-feed it those files), and the sounds are allegedly uncompressed, but I'm unable to get anything to load even with that knowledge. I think these are in container formats that the CD Browser would know how to work with. If only the Browser didn't crash all the time.

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update: the programs work, the files i was trying to open do not.

this collection of 100-some CDs (and a further 140 not yet dumped, apparently?!) is what i was targeting - the discs are meant for a Macintosh (since that's what the 3DO development toolkit ran on!), but beyond getting the CD Browser and Text Index to start (and then crash when I search for anything!), I can't figure out how to browse it at all.

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I do not know what it is specifically, whether CPU, hard drive, or format limitations, but StuffIt archives are the most miserably slow archive format I've ever extracted.

And I used to extract those "50 Rar files in a trench coat" archives from BitTorrents of PC games, like, 20 years ago.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!