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I don't know what my body was punishing me for, but I have arisen victorious.

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My body is punishing me for something.

But what kind of anarchist would I be if I let my body tell me what to do?

being on makes me glad I have so many arms to pet all the buns with



It's literally been years since I bought underwear.

Best stage entrance ever. This dude just casually strolls out and starts riffing on a keytar after saying "hey, what's up?"

happy singles awareness day. I am aware of you. please do not get any closer

You wanna know who has the big gay? 

Whoever wants to.

dropping communist analysis on the federated timeline is one of the services i provide which i really shouldn't given the replies it garnishes

Post your favorite Valentine's Day memory, mine is the time I accidentally set a trashcan on fire outside of a BP station in Central Florida

Tell me what I'm doing right now to win a chance to watch me turn invisible in real time.

Every time I listen to the radio 

"We all agree on the need for border security"

Hahahahahahahahaha, #Abolishborders

Don't go to Las Vegas unless you enjoy the process of, for example, being sold a car by a used car dealer that doesn't stop smiling, ever.

We see the desert and howl with glee. You know the desert and shake with anger. The desert knows you but does not cry.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!