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Millie boosted

New avi by @mavica

A rose, in honor of my late grandma who's favorite song was "Min älskling du är som en ros" (english: "My darling you are like a rose")

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Millie boosted

How cis people even know what gender they are without the professional opinion of a GIC? All this "self identification" stuff they do seems well dodgy.

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Millie boosted

have compassion for your past selves if you can, they were doing their best

Millie boosted

Hey folks, just gonna throw this up here in case anyone is able to help us get over the finish line. Thank you so much for all the boosts and donations.

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who needs animal crossing when you've got

we got:
like a huge number of bunnies

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please send me picrews you like that have cat ears? nobody sent any last time, mew...

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@mavica 's chassis is partially composed of polyethylene terephthalate

PET mavi

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tonight's sunset has trans energy (h/t @mavica for editing assistance!)

hmm it's possible my obsession with digimon is coming back *she says, with a digimon poster she recently got as a gift just behind her waiting to be hung up*

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A self soothing technique 

Sometimes I struggle so much with kindness towards myself that I almost have to step outside of me and role play that I am my own best friend. What would I say to her if she came to me with my own feelings? What would I do for her? How would I comfort her? Inspire her? Make space for her?

What are the ways that I can show kindness for everyone else in my life?

Pick the most appealing and doable one and then do that.

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Millie boosted

If your gender is the slider itself that's valid

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How to animate a rotating box using Python.

Stolen from birdsite.

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[to the tune of duck tales] GAY GIRLS! WOO HOO

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!