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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

"Dumb terminals are just computer himbos." - @mavica

Millie boosted

"You look better without makeup" is
1) None of your business, as people wear it for themselves
2) Actually an insult

Someone on 🐦 just said "would u tell a painter the canvas looked better blank?" and ... yeah, exactly!

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

i want a city building game without capitalism in it

Millie boosted



I finally finished my website and have put it on the internet! If you were excited by that screenshot earlier, just wait 'til you see the actual thing!

Interested? Find it at

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

sod this really thin laptops trend, I want like, two ethernet interfaces, 6 USB ports, RS232, a headphone jack, expresscard, smartcard, maybe something to read vhs tapes

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!