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Millie boosted

warms my heart a lil bit every time i see someone with an avatar that was recognisably taken with

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my metric of "made it" is that when i first made , googling "webgbcam" would prompt "Did you mean: Webcam". it no longer does that

in an earnest tone like Alexey Pajitnov says "Play Tetris!", use webgbcam!

Millie boosted

new links on the #linkcache

Dave's Old Computers - Website maintained by engineer Dave Dunfield showcasing his collection of vintage computers and equipment. Can be loaded from IE 1.0!

Evan Collin's Aesthetics Collection - A curated profile dedicated to different aesthetics across the decades. Very fun to browse around stuff like "Bubbleglam" and "Wacky PoMo"!

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

something cis people should know about trans trauma 

If you, as a cis person, want to know what growing up as a trans woman in this society is like, one manifestation of the trauma is in becoming a fully grown human and still, in many cases, having the nagging belief that everyone sees you as a predator, maybe even other trans people, despite all of the kindness and grace you have done your very best to practice.

And yes, all of these recent state laws will hurt another generation that way.

Millie boosted

for how much minidisc is constantly labeled a "failure" that "never took off", i think 21 years is a pretty good production run for a media format

Millie boosted

another pixel portrait going out to Cass of / ! i couldn't decide on a background, so this one gets two variants!

you can get portraits like these and more if you just head on down to !

please, please hire my fiancée, it's pretty much impossible to support to adult women on a single disability allowance, and it's getting harder and harder to stay afloat, please just give us something

Millie boosted

if any mutuals are still being scammed by Discord and losing money on Nitro then you should send money to my ko-fi instead because i need to survive more than you need animated emoji

Millie boosted

i make music:

i make open source tech tools and toys:

i started the netizen club and the link cache, to help my yearning for a simpler internet:

i'm looking for work. if you know anyone who needs someone with 8+ years professional experience plumbing nearly any sort of bespoke tech, talk to me.

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

today is 6 years old and going strong! thanks to our admin @arielmt and mods @LaserScheme and @troubleMoney for keeping the dream alive

Millie boosted

i founded computer fairies roughly this day 6 years ago, give or take initial federation growing pains. in the first week we had an issue with the host, which i managed to fix through ssh from my phone while sitting at an university class, which made me feel very badass indeed

i'm electively no longer part of the staff but i'm glad i started this corner of the internet and i'm delighted it's still existing to this day

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Millie boosted

was anybody going to tell me ESA was gearing up to launch the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer on Homestuck Day or was i meant to find that out on my own

Millie boosted

ah looks like it's "check that discord hasn't defaulted/randomized all of your settings again" day

Millie boosted

"you fucking idiot the earth isn;t flat" quipped the intellectually superior reddit incel, before tabbing back to his pirated copy of Adobe NoeffortWebsiteDesigner to add more flat and lifeless Material Design to his crypto-backed AI app that is about to be defunct in the coming 3 months

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Millie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!