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Millie boosted


imagine calling yourself a leftist and then whitesplaining what banana republic means to a latina on twitter


Millie boosted

We wish all of you on the fediverse the best of luck.

If you'd like to keep in touch with us then you can find us on Discord at

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Millie boosted

i am not the only person elekk has harassed off the fediverse, by far. i'm just the loudest one

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Millie boosted

i'm just tired of elekk being the playground bully of the fediverse, *clearly labeling themselves as such* ("mean admin"? "cancellation team"? lol) and still managing to get away with it like nothing's wrong.

Millie boosted

mastodon: where if you disagree with someone with more community influence pull than you, you will be given PTSD

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Millie boosted

mastodon: remember not to ever have private disagreements with any instance admin on the fediverse, especially elekk ones, unless you want to be dogpiled out of the fediverse

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

we welcome those (within reason, and our own personal vetoing) who would like to help keep up the instance, and we pledge to keep the instance online until the end of the year for that matter.

we thank everybody who has shown us solidarity, friendship and kindness in these past 4 years.

i, personally, will not be making a return to the fediverse if and when this instance closes, but you can find me elsewhere.


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Millie boosted

i wish i could keep this instance up just out of spite for those who want me gone. but i'm tired of the increasing bills and of making sam keep up the software.

if people want to help keep it up, shout out. but we're done

Millie boosted
Millie boosted


hello lovely new followers!

my name is maple "mavica" syrup, i'm a queer squirrel bunny robot girl who makes digital art, music & code

i'm also a and i stream tuesdays 9PM UTC-3

you can find out more abt me on my website!


Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

CW: food, 

Made pulled pork for dinner on Wednesday, 6 hours in the oven 🤤🤤

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

enbee accountants who give quarterly reports via interpretive dance

Millie boosted
Millie boosted


i kinda want to make a weird web webring

who wants in

gotta have a weird website, web1.0-like desirable

mb with low javascipt, like no jquery or frameworks, but hand-written (or paw-written) javascript webtoys welcome


Millie boosted

dysphoria, facial hair, shitpost 

made a little guide to shaving for transfems

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!