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@MUCK [color=palevioletred] there is a dearth of plum patterns on the internet and its honestly unfair. Also someday I want to make quilt that looks like a fried egg... [/color]

@november [color=palevioletred]its kinda really nice that there's not a bajillon things going on half of which are stressing me out and/or making me angry[/color]

[color=palevioletred] wow uhhhh.... my head hurt and so I took a nap and now my head hurts REAL bad [/color]

@isystem [color=palevioletred]side note but Isis do you know how much olive you??? A whole lot. More than could fit in my giant carrot. So much more :bun: [/color]

[color=palevioletred]robi I am seeing you... yeah... you better get back into that cage... you better eat those nutriberries!! Terrible [/color]

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[color=palevioletred]google why are my pets bad [/color]

[color=palevioletred]showed my friend my 7 foot long carrot and they said it "radiated chaotic energy" and "I do not want it in my home" how rude it is the perfect carrot in every way!! [/color]

[color=palevioletred] also side note but the rabbits STINK today why [/color]

[color=palevioletred] did anyone ever use that site where u plug in the 2 things u wanna glue together and it spits out the best glue or was that just me [/color]

[color=hotpink] oh damn I switched to light mode and it becomes illegible lmao back to hot pink i guess[/color]

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[color=pink] if it is obvi ill stop but i do love being pinkening[/color]

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[color=pink] i only ever use dark mode everything so i do wonder if this color text is not just supremely irritating[/color]

[color=hotpink] I want to like tusky but I can't find an option to post only to local???? And I guess unlisted is fine for 99% of things (tho I need to figure out how to make it not default to public). Idk. Work in progress. :bunhdthinking: [/color]


Ooooh oogah boogah I think I ate too much cookie


[color=hotpink] valid to get salmonella from eating the raw cookie dough [/color]

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!