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it is the nineties and there is time for Klax
there is only time for Klax
in the Klax mines

You should go subscribe to @squirrel's YouTube channel for @squirrel_chan - 20 more subs and she can get a custom URL~

bird scientist confirms it is impossible to heat the lower half of a room

why do we make computers run programs? why not give them a bit of a break and let them walk them instead?

we need more video games that aren't all centered about combat tbh


i just ate a hecking big pile of pasta and now i'm ready to take on the world

gay culture is remotely accessing someone's computer to show them affection

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A free downloadable demo of my NES game Lizard is now available on

#LizardNES #NES 🦎 πŸ•Ή

you think the two motorcycle racers with the wrench in the music video for Take On Me were a couple?

you've heard of rebooting computers

now get ready for beebooting computers

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!