Nezumi boosted
Nezumi boosted

cohost is mastodon is twitter is bad because they're all the same social media paradigm, it'll suck no matter whether or not money is involved

y'all are just switching to nicotine patches

Nezumi boosted

take it from someone who hosted a mastodon instance for 4 years long before a lot of you even learnt how to spell "mastodon" properly: mastodon fucking sucks and has a terrible clique problem

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@mavica_again Honestly only use it because this doll needed to join more than 100 servers, (It couldn't decide on any more it was willing to leave) and wish that wasn't a paywalled feature. @.@ It can count the times it's used any of its other features on the fingers of one hand. (And virtually all of them were to be able to use a nodding emoji, since that's not standard for some reason)

@mavica_again This doll won't tell you that, then, but will offer you hugs, because it likes you, even if you don't remember it.

@mavica_again Glad to see you back! ... Just as this doll is considering switching instances, but still! *Waves.* Missed you!

Nezumi boosted

the thing that turns me off on cohost the most isn't the unchecked boilerplate ToS

it's the kind of people who have immediately started defending it tooth and nail like they can't do wrong and seeing any other website as competition

because i've already been in a cult once

Nezumi boosted

capitalism ruined the web so much that
1) kids who were never around for web 1.0 yearn for it as an "aesthetic"
2) everybody sees each other as competition to be snuffed out

Nezumi boosted

@arielmt ... This doll thought for a second it had a friend who used to use the last name Thornton, then realized it was something else ending with -ton. *Shrugs!*

Nezumi boosted

When I fave a toot, it doesn't always - or even often - mean: "I like the thing you tooted about."

Very often it means "Thank you for sharing, I acknowledge your toot, and I think of you."

Please share if you can't give. People underestimate how much getting these messages out there helps.

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@soft Anyway, yes! Is mousegirl, and doll! Hello! Sorry for being so late! T-T

@soft Ohhhh, wow this is late. This doll needs to check back here more. And also maybe get another Mastodon, too, since this one has historically blocked a lot but no longer keeps a list of blocked instances, so... *Sqk!*

This doll still needs $204 or so to cover its overdraft. Please help.

Venmo: Nezuneko
Cashapp: Nezumichan

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!