
Science fiction where the universe is actually a simulation and running it is a mining algorithm for some hyper advanced alien crypto currency,

@Tobi @azushark 😆😆😆 Othi is amazing...would add them to my party any day.

Book rec, gore, horror, homelessness 

Reading The Dark Net by Benjamin Percy and so far I really like the characters and the writing has been really tight and unsettling.

I’m only about 40 pages in so there are almost certainly CWs I haven’t gotten to.

Reading an engrossing horror novel right before bed is probably not a good idea...


Tbh I’ll consider myself an independent adult when I have the money/time/space to adopt my own dog. Right now that’s a long way off...


I have a silly floofer and I miss him a lot...

(Rescue mutt, half American Eskimo, half other stuff)


I opened a bag of vegan jerky today and I think I like vegan jerky almost as much as I like vegan banana waffles... :blobmelt:

mild Working Buddies (tv show) spoilers 

I've been watching this really interesting anime series called Working Buddies lately. The episodes are like 5 mins each and it's about two college-student cats who try a different job each episode. It's funny, weird, cute, and super chill. Also the last episode of season one legit made me cry (in a good way, it was really sweet). Just thought I'd share.

@lizardsquid Thanks for letting me know! I'm using the tootdon app and I think it sends the emails.

@nausicaea Ok thanks - I thought that might have been why. TBH when I wrote my profile I didn't really have a clue how this website or any social media worked, and after using masto for a bit I've decided that it's cool if people follow me before interacting with me. Thanks for letting me know!

@heytanuki oh no problem I added that on my first day and now I wanna get rid of it. Thanks for letting me know!

Hi! Something strange seems to be happening with my account (or I could just be misunderstanding how things work). I get emails about follow requests, but don’t see them to approve in my account.

So if you follow me and nothing happens, feel free to send me a toot or something :) thanks!

Spent a couple hours stringing up warm LED lights in my dorm room - it already feels way more homey vs the fluorescent overhead light.

The bunnies near my dorm have lost 90% of their fear of people.

Soon the uprising will begin.🐰

Was able to make it to my first Aikido (Japanese self-defense martial art) session in a few months. I’m very uncoordinated and it’s hard, but I’ve been making incremental progress and it’s been a really positive experience for me.

Anxiety/depression [follow-up] 

I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have posted something that could be read as unsolicited advice (for many reasons). I will do better in the future.

WARNING: the .aesthetic file you are attempting to view cannot be fully represented in your feeble three-dimensional reality. To install additional dimensions, please contact your system administrator.

food (sorry for repost still figuring out privacy settings) 

So used to scanning through a menu for meat-free options that going to a vegan restaurant with lots of options always kinda blows my mind. Like, I could order any one of these things how do I even choose.

@KristianCollie I would recommend:

Track: The Energy Story
Album: Secret Diary
Artist: College

Track: Hibana
Artist: The Sixth Lie

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!