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shitpost, referencing a fairly gross meme 

Has anyone celebrated both energy sword sunday and fingers in his ass sunday at the same time

For some reason I dreamt something a 13-year-old would've came up with:

A cartoon series where 2-3 original characters jump to various cartoon universes and stop the villains.

It's like Captain N but more broad. And with a less douche-y protagonist.

bev! boosted

Hey, a heads up: if you've done the Fall Creators Update yet on windows 10 PLEASE look up how fast the esp8266 adc can go myu and awoo and gay

A discord server I'm on talked about why Spaceballs hasn't had a sequel yet.

I then pointed out there was a cartoon series about ten years ago and it was absolute T R A S H

bev! boosted

Introducing the new Sony Playstation.

Script by @jk
Music from NES Pictionary
Video from my living room and Sony

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bev! boosted

"are you amab or afab ?"

"i'm ahab and i'm gonna kill this fucking whale"

it's 7am and I am not ready to be awake cause late last night I was talking with a friend about what kind of board shorts I should look into.

Might as well squeeze in some more Zs before going to the doctor's office.

@KS *cuddles you close, petting you occasionally*

My birthday's a week away and I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I mean I could do nothing and wallow at the fact I'm in my early 30s and haven't done anything worthwhile...

@troubleMoney @maple fully concur and wish to volunteer to this appreciation.

bev! boosted


Remember to appreciate yr local squirrels! Like @maple !

Every day I'm honestly surprised that there's people that like and appreciate me.

It's something I never really paid attention to until just now.

@revenant it's like the WOF Answers twitter account never died

One of these days I'll figure out how to not procrastinate on a blog post.

This was meant to be written and posted back in July. :blobfrown:

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Heyyy I finally got around to writing the first Secret Area post of 2019!

It's about Enemy Front, a WWII budget FPS that's... surprisingly good???

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!