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starting to realize wearing tights are nice, but they're a bit tough to wear for more than a few hours.


I may not fully understand the concept of "fashion," but at least I'm trying?

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Was doing a bit of cleaning and found this adorable little thing

As much as I love game shows, I seem to be pretty bad at them when I play mock game shows or video games based on them.

I know for certain I'd probably struggle ever getting on a quiz show, and probably flame out if I even got on one.

Especially Jeopardy, where I'm lucky to know like 5-10 of the clues each time I watch an episode.

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I'm reading through "Answers in the Form of Questions," which is basically the most intricate book about Jeopardy! out there.

And it's fascinating to see the show process step by step, and how dedicated some folk are to it.

bev! boosted

despite everything, this beautiful bitch is still here

bev! boosted

i'm really cool and i make really cool stuff and i should get paid to keep doing really cool stuff reblog if you agree

@aquinton glad that someone else shares that same sentiment that I do :thinkhappy:

I like F it up a lot, not just because of the sick full band section, but because of these lyrics:

"I don't know what I'm doing / but I want to live"

Makes me feel happy and motivated to keep going.

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help I have "f it up" by louis cole stuck in my head


Got a new skirt, belt and boots yesterday, so I decided to take pictures of me wearing it.

Fashion? What the eff *is* that?

New on the Secret Area, it's I Am Alive.

Ever wanted the dollar store version of a survival action game? Ubisoft's got you covered.

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

sometimes you gotta be grateful to your computers. less thinkpad more thankpad

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!