i'm leaving the uk in 2 days. i don't know when i'll be able to come back. i have been denied a job anywhere for a year now. my savings are running out. we are scared. @Atatra and i need to be together to survive. please help. #mutualaid #transcrowdfund https://www.gofundme.com/f/get-taylor-and-millie-together
update: a friend of mine introduced me to sweetlegs and whoops I already bought three pairs
aid request for old wolf3d/doom modder, serious injustice
Laz Rojas, the creator of WolfenDOOM, has gotten seriously fucked over by the justice system.
In short, his mother passed away from dementia around 11 months ago, and the cops wrongfully accused him of murdering her. He was exonerated by the autopsy results being made public, but in the intervening time he has lost all of his worldly possessions and is now homeless, to say nothing about the loss of his mother a year prior.
#Doom is an amazing game partly thanks to the efforts of modders like Laz, giving us hours upon hours of entertainment in return for nothing except recognition. I'm sure that any assistance in helping him get back on his feet would be appreciated. His GoFundMe link is in the Doomworld post, as well as a full breakdown of the hell he went through.
@mavica_again probably the latter for me
thank you everybody who donated to us so far. i've posted another update to our fundraiser trying to get @Atatra and i living together once and for all. this is really important to us. pease help us reach more folks if you can. https://gofundme.com/f/get-taylor-and-millie-together #mutualaid #transcrowdfund
(aka tonya)
39/pan/trans. she/they.
writes about dumb junk about video games and music sometimes.
your woof friend. may also be bnuuy or kitty depending on mood.