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bev! boosted

No YouTube, I don't want to see your stupid "Shorts", I want to see a 1 hour 4 min long, high quality video essay about an obscure Japanese video game from 2001 with a surprisingly sizeable cult following from a channel I've never heard about that gives off queer autistic vibes. Duh.

bev! boosted

Microsoft's Bing Image Creator depicts beloved characters doing 9/11, illustrating the struggles of generative AI models have with copyright and filtering.

bev! boosted

half-tempted to make a blog covering the interesting music stuff in my collection

maybe some kind of tumblr thing

bev! boosted

it's october which means it's werewolf month

bev! boosted

Periodic reminder:

Once installed:
* Menu button
* Add-ons and themes
* Find more add-ons box: "ublock origin" [Enter]
* uBlock Origin by Raymond Hill
* Add to Firefox

Every Web browser sucks, but at least use one *not* designed to let everyone track you & install malware & fake warnings urging you to call 1-800-FLEECE-ME to remove extended car warranty viruses.

long hair is cute but also very annoying to dry, style and look good.

*eventually* I'll figure out the secrets to making my hair look pretty

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

I think I have a new favourite Doom shovelware CD cover image

bev! boosted

"Gay as a five cent pencil”
It's not a phrase, but together we can make it one
#vintage #gay #pencil

considering how I feel today, it's a nuggets n tots kind of night

this kirby stress ball is good and I should use it more

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bev! boosted

Was doing a bit of cleaning and found this adorable little thing

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

This is a cool story about an apocryphal Wing Commander bug and another example of why "email them and ask" is such an essential tool for journalism.

bev! boosted

buy a trans woman flowers

she's probably never had someone other than herself do that for her

I mean you can't deny these are quite the bops for an average licensed action game

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it's a "listening to matt furniss game music" kind of monday

...perhaps a matt furniss monday?

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!